Sunday, May 10, 2009

Skopje and Bitola

Skopje Day 2

it was off to the Fortress. We eventually found the gate after a long cicumnavigation and backtrack. Not much inside but a lot of archeological digging going on.
It was then off to the Turkish Bazaar...very clean and lots of shops to look at.
In the afternoon we went in search of Mother Teresa. Found her memorial and little museum.... very intersting. It was then off to the Mall to do a little shopping. Not much to buy and lots of shops with not too many people in them.
We went to a lonely planet featured restuarant. It was communist themed and was an interesting place to eat. Food not too bad.

Skopje to Bitola

it took us a long time to get out of Skopje but once we did it was worth it for the beautiful countryside and mountains. Igor had promised us a feast at his Uncles and he certainly delivered. His Family on the farm made us very welcome and we ate so much we were all uncomfortable. We then went forr a long walk on the farm and through the village. Of particular interest tto us all was the well where Igors parents had met. After we went to Bitola to look at the Old Town. It was smilar to the markets in Skopje.
It was then off to meet Radas Cousin and her family where, again we were made very welcome and again fed so much we were bursting!
Our Hotel in Bitola was much better then Hotel Ani, but ran a very loud disco..... lucky we were tired!!

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