Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Budapest Day 2 and 3

Busy days in Budapest. It is a really interesting city. We have done lots of sight-seeing and museum visiting. And lots of walking!!
Over the past few dayswe have visited the Momento Park. This is where the old statues from the communist era have been taken and are on display. A little bit ordinary but worth it for the Spy traing film that they show...shades of Maxwell Smart and the Shoe Phone. Apparently Washing Machines can be disguised as photocopiers! Be Alert!!!
We visited a Synagogue and were taken around by a Guide whose father was a hero who rescued hundreds of Jews from the Nazis. We then walked the hunderds of kilometers (or so it seemed) back to the hotel.
Today we visited the Holocaust Memorial. It was very sad and informative. One of the best I have seen without going over the top.
Then it was off to the Ethnographic Museum. We saw lots of different
regional costumes and lots of stuff about life in the villages.
we tried to go to Parliament but all the tickets for the day had gone. So it was off to the House of Terror to see about life during the Communist era. It was very scary and confronting.
Trying to find a restaurant that was a satisfactory price was a blood sugar was dropping to dangerous levels ...we eventually found an Italian place beer ever!!
One more day....lots more to see.

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