Tuesday, April 7, 2009

England Day 1

Arrived in England after quite a pleasant trip. Time went fairly quickly and caught up with movies not previously seen. Have had a quiet day in anticipation of the big road trip to Scotland starting tomorrow. We went to Swindon to a factory outlet hunting for bargains...Damn the Ryan Airlines 15kg limit!!!
We then went for the best Cornish Pastie I have had all the way to Chippenham. On the way back we went to a River Causeway that was built from the legacy of a widow woman, back in 1467. She left 8 pounds in her will for it to be built and the upkeep of this structure. The plaque commemorating her genorosity was built in 1687. Everything is very old!
Scotland looks like being quite cold...daily temps of 8C are predicted....hopefully we will be warm enough.

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