Sunday, May 10, 2009


After a sleep in, Igor and Kate picked us up to go the Mt Pellister. Unfortanately the weather was cold and wet. However it was easy to see that this was a beautiful park. It was the first and only National Park in Macedonia. His relatives were up there also and were well prepared with coffee etc. We went for a short walk but we were all very cold!
Hot Chocolates all around, then to Auntiees for lunch. She went to a great deal of trouble and the trout was very good.
It was great to be so lookeed after by such friendly people. I would like to think that we could repay their genorosity some day!

We said good bye to Kate and Igor after very light dinner and endured the music again!

Skopje and Bitola

Skopje Day 2

it was off to the Fortress. We eventually found the gate after a long cicumnavigation and backtrack. Not much inside but a lot of archeological digging going on.
It was then off to the Turkish Bazaar...very clean and lots of shops to look at.
In the afternoon we went in search of Mother Teresa. Found her memorial and little museum.... very intersting. It was then off to the Mall to do a little shopping. Not much to buy and lots of shops with not too many people in them.
We went to a lonely planet featured restuarant. It was communist themed and was an interesting place to eat. Food not too bad.

Skopje to Bitola

it took us a long time to get out of Skopje but once we did it was worth it for the beautiful countryside and mountains. Igor had promised us a feast at his Uncles and he certainly delivered. His Family on the farm made us very welcome and we ate so much we were all uncomfortable. We then went forr a long walk on the farm and through the village. Of particular interest tto us all was the well where Igors parents had met. After we went to Bitola to look at the Old Town. It was smilar to the markets in Skopje.
It was then off to meet Radas Cousin and her family where, again we were made very welcome and again fed so much we were bursting!
Our Hotel in Bitola was much better then Hotel Ani, but ran a very loud disco..... lucky we were tired!!

Sofia to Skopje

Sofia to Skopje

Our Nick from the hotel drove us to the Central Bus Station. We caught our bus to Skopje. This gave us an opportunity to check out the countryside of both Bulgaria and Macedonia. The Bulgarian country side looked very depressed and very dry and dusty. The mountains were impressive. When we crossed the border, we drove through a beautiful river valley and it was green. Many farmers and their families were working the fields. It would be a very hard life.
We met Collaredas in Skopje and booked into the most crappy motel I have ever stayed in. it will not be getting a positive rating!!
We had a walk around to get our bearings. We walked over the Stone Bridge, very famous. Walked nearly to the forrtress and a little of the Turkish Bazaar. We found a really nice restaurant for dinner. After dinner it was to the Jack Daniels Bar for an ouzo.

Sofia Day 2 & 3

Sofia Day 2

We had decided to go to the National Museum which was out of town at a place called Boyana. The Lonely Planet gave clear instructions on what buses and trams to catch. It could not understand why it had moved out there but it was going to be an adventure.
Our first challenge was to buy the ticket for the trip. We found a lovely ticket selling lady, who told us not to catch the tram but to get the bus to the interchange. We could not understand this as the book had clearly stated that it was the No. 9 TRAM.....She stopped the bus for us and it started to go the wrong way.....not to worry it was a round trip and we ended up waving to her on our way past. We got to the interchange and successfully got on Bus 64. It was a terrifying trip. We had no idea where to get off the bus and no where was there a sign to the Museum. There was a sign to the Church and the book had said the museum was 1 km passed the Church. So we stayd on the bus and did a loop around Boyana. On the return trip we found the Sign and got off. we then walk for 30 – 40 minutes to the Museum. It was well worth the walk. It was a very impresssive, well thought out museum. It clearly showed the history of Bulgaria and it helped us to better understand the people.
On the return trip we understood why the woman had told us to catch the No 9 bus. We decided to catch the some time durring the trip it changed from a No 9 to a No 10 and took a different route through the city. It did go through a great looking park but it was hard to know where to get off. We walked the beautiful Vitosha St and slowly made our way home.

Day 3 Sofia.

Today we went to the Bus Station to get our ticket for Skopje. We wanted to make sure we knew where the bus left from. We got our bearings and headed to the city. Looked around a bit more. The GUM store and the Mosque and Baths.
We then headed to the major Shopping Mall and had a coffee and a look around. It was then back to the NVK building and park. We had a beer and relax and enjoyed the ambience in the park.

Sofia Day 1


Sofia was a really interesting place but not one set up for tourists. We arrived after the flight from Budapest to our hotel after negotiating a taxi. When we arrived the manager of the hotel told us there was a problem with the room and he had booked us into a four star hotel for the night until the electricity in our room was sorted. He drove us there but before that he offered us a multitude of beer and food to appease us.
Next day we explored the city of Sofia and saw the highlights. We started at Alexander Nevski Memorial. It was a also a cathedral. It was filled with people lighting candles and kissing the icons.
We then went to a gallery of frescoes that had been rescued from many of the churches in Bulgaria. Some were wonderful and others not so good. Many were infested with what looked like woodworm.
W.e then went o the Ethnographic Museum. This was not as good as the one in Budapest and did not have the same number of exhibits. This was in the same bulding as the National Art Gallery. As the toilets were attachhed toi the Art Gallery we managed to get in there for nothing.
It was then off to the National Parliament to see the changing of the guard. Apparently this is a must see thing so we saw the men with the fesathers in their caps marching their peculiar march. While you cannot go into parliament you can walk through the grounds and see a very old church ruin called St Nicholas Church. This was from the 4th Century.
It then started to rain so we were forced to go to the Archeological museum. This was chock full of treasures and artefacts from back to 1500BC. It was a great look at devlopment of a civilisation.
When we came out it was pouring rain, We sheltereed in the Sheraton and tried to get back to our hotel. The driver could not speak english and of course my Bulgarian is not so strong and it was one of the few times I lost it with someone and almost caused a diplomatic incident! When it was sorted that he was not trying to take us down but really was very confused we parted friends!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Budapest Day 4

Today was a bit of a battle as we were both sore and tired from our non-stop marathon walks and sight-seeing. However, we pushed through the pain barrier. We visited the National Museum. This had a really comprehensive display of Hungarian history. Explained lots so that we now have a better understanding of the country. Also had a display of treasures from the Steppe Horseman...from up around Mongolia. I have never seen so much gold!! The workers at the museum seemed to left overs from the communists. They ran the place with an iron fist....and had guns! We were not game to touch anything.
Again we were starving and looked for a cafe for a meal....could find nothing decent so decided to head to the Zoo for the famous Gundel Restuarant...very highly rated and exxy. Even I could not come at those prices ...Michelin hats or not! So crossed the road and had a magnificant meal at an equally good restaurant. i had tagliatelle with slices of duck liver, truffles and asparagus. Ken had Veal paprika with egg noodles. Yum!
Returned home to find AFL on TV. Wow! Another great day!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Budapest Day 2 and 3

Busy days in Budapest. It is a really interesting city. We have done lots of sight-seeing and museum visiting. And lots of walking!!
Over the past few dayswe have visited the Momento Park. This is where the old statues from the communist era have been taken and are on display. A little bit ordinary but worth it for the Spy traing film that they show...shades of Maxwell Smart and the Shoe Phone. Apparently Washing Machines can be disguised as photocopiers! Be Alert!!!
We visited a Synagogue and were taken around by a Guide whose father was a hero who rescued hundreds of Jews from the Nazis. We then walked the hunderds of kilometers (or so it seemed) back to the hotel.
Today we visited the Holocaust Memorial. It was very sad and informative. One of the best I have seen without going over the top.
Then it was off to the Ethnographic Museum. We saw lots of different
regional costumes and lots of stuff about life in the villages.
we tried to go to Parliament but all the tickets for the day had gone. So it was off to the House of Terror to see about life during the Communist era. It was very scary and confronting.
Trying to find a restaurant that was a satisfactory price was a blood sugar was dropping to dangerous levels ...we eventually found an Italian place beer ever!!
One more day....lots more to see.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Budapest Day1

We had a very busy day in Budapest today. It is always stressful in a new city until you work out how the trains etc. work. we sorted it fairly quickly and got our bearings by going on the open top bus tour. Great value! It took a few hours but all the major sites were covered and lots of history. It also included a boat trip as well.
Budapest is very impressive. The Danube is beautiful and much of the architecture is similar to Paris (without the dog poo)!! Cant wait to go and do a bit more exploring. Monday is a bad day to start as most of the museums and galleries are closed.
We walked a long way today and as a result we were very tired. we bought baguettes and wine and beer and had dinner in our room. We stopped a few times for a beer at the many cafes so that may have negated the walking. Had a beautiful goulash soup for lunch.
I think we will have enough to keep us busy for the next few days!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Arrived in Budapest. Good flight on Ryanair and went fairly quickly. Only hassle was that the ATMs at the bank did not accept our cards and had a minor panic as we had to pay for a Taxi into town. An obliging driver stopped for us and we managed to get some florints. Hotel seems good and we are looking forward to starting the sight seeing tomorrow.
The weather looks promising and warmish. Ken may even wear shorts!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day in the Cotswolds.

had a good day today driving through the beautiful Cotswolds. Fantastic scenery and rolling, green hills. We went through some very quaint little villages, many were filled with tourists but some were very quiet. It is sort of what you imagine a lot of England to be like.
We ended up in Gloucester, famous for the rhyme about Doctor Foster. Two surprises there....we started talking to a woman with a glass of wine on the old docks who lived on a canal boat with her Aussie husband and she invited her husband to give us a tour of the boat..... just like a long caravan in the water. Then we found the "hairy bikers" were doing a shoot on the dock. we waited and watched them for a while.... they were really scruffy but very nice. Talked to all and were signing autographs and posing for photos. Who knows, we might get in a background shot!
Off to budapest tomorrow night, should be a different 2 weeks in central Europe!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Back at Lower Seagry

We safely returned to the farm after getting the brakes fixed on the Discovery. Had a wet but unevetful trip back. today we went to Bath. Also fairly rainy, especially when Ken decided to sit upstairs on the sight seeing bus......we didn't sit there for long. It was difficult to concentrate on the commentary with the noise of my chattering teeth drowning it out.
It was interesting to hear about the history of the town and see the important parts.
We visited a restored house on the Royal circuit that is very authentic. got a good feel for the life of the rich who "took the waters" there.
Enjoying watching the Australia V Sth Africa ODI live and itstill miserable weather!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 8 Road Trip

We are coming to the end of the road trip. Had a great day today. Went to a quaint village called Robin Hood Bay. A big walk down hill through an old smugglers village. Lots of little streets to hide in, back in the day, Very authentic, I suspect not much has changed over the last few hundred years.
We had a big adventure in the afternoon, looking for the vestiges of a Roman Road. Tom Tom sent usall over the country but we eventually found it by looking at the signs.
Ken insisted we find the town of Uggle Barnby, where Barry comes from. It was as he described it. A one street village on a big hill. ,
After going for a walk around the farm and examining Amandas Dexters, we went for a posh meal at the Stables pub. Very nice!
Back to Lower Seagry tomorrow and off for a day in Bath Friday.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 7 Road Trip

A long day driving today....but lots to see. We started very early at fish ladder at Pitlochry. Not too much salmon action so far his season, but it was interesting to see how the wee fishies make it up the stream!
We then went via the Firth of Forth bridge by passing Edinburgh back to Blighty. Stopped at Lindisfarne or Holy Island, where you can only get to the island at low tide and risked the possibility of getting marooned there as we did not check the tidal charts before we ventured out there.
All in all it was a very interesting coastal drive.
By the time we got to Whitby, however, a massive fog had fallen and sight seeing was non existant. We had a wonderful fish dinner at a whitby institution called Trenches...a huge hunk of haddock that even had KB beaten!
A problem with the brakes on the Discovery will probably mean a quiet day, but thats OK....the farm is a great place to stop!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 6 Road Trip

Left our B and B and the delightful Mrs Bell and headed for Skye. Amazingly, Ken did not sing the Skye Boat Song once! However, he did manage a Donald, Wheres your Troosers.
On Skye we visited Dunvegan Castle - the ancestral home of the Macleods, of which the Malcolms are part.
Skye was very scenic...mountains, lochs, moors and heather.....all rugged and beautiful.
Spending the night at Pitlochry. Very touristy town on a river. Had a Stovie for dinner....after getting an explanation from the waitress. Basically a very tasty savoury mince with layers of potato. It came with a pint of lager, and that was good also.
Off to Whitby for 2 nights.

Day 5 Road Trip

Today we left Muir on Ord for John o Groats - in theory the northernmost point of the mainland. It was a great drive up to there with a very dramatic coastline. J o G is a little tacky but less so than Lands End. No charge for parking or to get the obligatory photo at the sign.
On the way back dropped into Mey Castle, the Queen Mothers residence. Charles and Camilla use it now, but they were not home, so alas, no cuppa with them.
The drive back was very thrilling...the main highway up north is one lane with a passing place every 500 metres or so. Luckily there was not much traffic!
We then went to the scene of the Battle of Culloden. We walked part of the battlefield and gained an appreciation for the scale of the battle.
We then returned our local for dinner.

Day 4 Road Trip

Left Cadross and headed for Oban for lunch. A decandant crayfish sandwich! Oban was fairly speccy but very busy...Summer must be very crowded. Scenery was spectacular. Fort William for a toilet and coffee break. Saw Ben Nevis covered in snow. Headed for Skye. Rugged heath, lochs, mountains.....did not make it to Skye due to a traffic accident. We turned around and headed to Inverness rather than wait for a few hours to get through the accident. Eventually found accommodation at Muir on Ord. Pub meal and back to the B and B

Day 3 Road Trip

Off to Ayr to pick up our part. Then visited a triumph of modern engineering – the Falkirk Wheel. Unbelievable!! This massive structure replaces a series of locks between the Clyde and Forth Rivers. Worth a lookon Google. Then to Stirling Castle for a bit of history (and a bit of lunch). Then to Loch Lomond...taking the low road. Deeper then the North Sea in places.
Back to Cardross for a meal and then drinks with Steves niece, Angela and her husband Paul.

Day 2 Road Trip

Today took us in search of the elusive Land Rover part. Eventually we found the only one in Scotland and it could be delivered by the next morning.. Hurrah! We then went for a visit to the the magnificant Culzean Castle. On a cliff and designed and built by the famous Robert Adams. We then took the scenic route to Cardross to the holiday house of Stephens B-in-law. A pub meal later and we were back watching the golf!

Start of Road Trip

Planned for a very big day. Left Church Farm at 10.00 as planned and the aim was to travelfrom there to Cousin Jeans in one hit. Estimated time of arrival was 5.00. But the best laid plans are oft put to rest by a busted radiator hose. So it was the RAC to the rescue. Alas, he could see he problem but could not repair it, a ride in a tow truck and an innovative repair put us back on the road. We arrived at Jean and Andys at about 7.30. We had a great night, tasting some of Andys extensive Whisky collection. Mmmmm!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

England Day 1

Arrived in England after quite a pleasant trip. Time went fairly quickly and caught up with movies not previously seen. Have had a quiet day in anticipation of the big road trip to Scotland starting tomorrow. We went to Swindon to a factory outlet hunting for bargains...Damn the Ryan Airlines 15kg limit!!!
We then went for the best Cornish Pastie I have had all the way to Chippenham. On the way back we went to a River Causeway that was built from the legacy of a widow woman, back in 1467. She left 8 pounds in her will for it to be built and the upkeep of this structure. The plaque commemorating her genorosity was built in 1687. Everything is very old!
Scotland looks like being quite cold...daily temps of 8C are predicted....hopefully we will be warm enough.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

'Twas the night before

Well, we are packed up. Quite non-stressful. Hopefully I have remembered to do everything that had to be done. I suppose if I have forgotten anything I can just go Shopping!!! Looking forward to the flight. Nothing to be done but enjoy the movies and my book. A captive audience! If only it was at the point end. One day.......

Friday, March 27, 2009

Adventure Preparation.

Preparations are well under way for Adventure 2009. Packing is yet to be started but flights and hotels are booked. Macedonia is still a little in the air but we have sent an advance party to check it out. It is getting exciting.
Steve has put together a rough draft for Scotland and Ken's cousin Jean has replied that they will be around when we are there. Great!
Two more days of school are left and that will be some work to get somewhat prepared for the casual...then I can think about the packing.
15 kg limits with Ryanair mean a lot of thought has to go into it....and no present buying so KB will be happy!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Two weeks until we leave and the planning is pretty much under control. Mostly it is set on dates and where we will be, still a few accommodation hiccoughs to iron out.
It will all work out in the end I am sure!
Looking forward to the Eastern European stuff....should be really interesting!
But a few days on the Amalfi coast looks tops!